Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Twice? It's All Heidi's Fault

Last night was our last Spin90 class of the session.  I knew that our "graduation present" was to climb Ilchester.  I have heard horror stories about Ilchester so I was pretty nervous. 

John described it as a three part hill.  The bottom part is the steepest at about an 18% grade, then it levels off (somewhat), then a long grinder of 14% grade, another level off, then another short climb to the top.  He said most people thought the 18% grade was the hardest but he thought the long grinder part was the hardest.  It all sounded hard to me!

We rode through the park to get there and to warm up.  I chatted with Anne and a few other classmates.  But once we got to the bottom of Ilchester, all chatting was over.  I stared at the bottom of the hill and took a deep gulp.  It looked very intimidating.

So we took off in small groups to climb the hill.  I went in the second small group.  Instructor Rob rode next to me for a short bit giving me encouragement until he moved on to another rider.  He was trying to get me to stand up, but I am still uncomfortable standing.  I just wanted to get up the hill...and I was worried about I just stayed sitting.

When they say that an 18% grade is steep, they aren't kidding.  At one point I almost felt like my front tire was coming off the ground because so much of my weight was on the back of the bike.  Finally after what seemed like forever, I made it to the first level off area.  I tried to focus on spinning so that my legs could recover for the next steep part.  But before much recovery happened, I was climbing again.

John was right that the longer, grinding portion of the hill was the tougher part.  My legs were on fire, I was breathing incredibly hard and my bike was barely moving forward.  I looked up and saw Phaedra not too far ahead of me.  I just focused on her back and pretended like she was pulling me up the hill.  Finally I got to the second level off area.

After what I'd already been through, the last little climb seemed like nothing at all.  I was shifting to harder gears before the crest to gain some speed.  The group was meeting up at the church parking lot at the top of the hill.  I was so happy to pull into that lot!  I rode around for a minute to try to shake out my legs.

John gathered the group when everyone had made it to the top.  He said he was giving everyone the option of (a) doing Ilchester again or (b) go ride the rollers in the park.  I laughed out loud thinking no one would choose to do Ilchester again.  But then Anne said she would, Jill agreed, Chuck said by one every one of the good riders and the riders at my level said they were going again.

Heidi was right next to me and I looked at her in panic.  I said "I can't do that again!"  She laughed and said "of course you're going to do that again."  As soon as she said it, I knew it was true.  I couldn't let everyone else do it again and not join them.

We had to ride down Beechwood in order to ride up Ilchester again.  I don't like going fast down hills that I don't know very well.  This was a steep downhill and I was on my brakes the entire way.  I hit a few bumps that scared me even more.  I need to figure out a way to get more comfortable going downhill.  It's not really the's more the out of control feeling. 

So I find myself sitting at the bottom of Ilchester once again staring at this intimidating wall of a hill.  This time around I know what I'm in for.  I wasn't entirely sure that my legs were capable of riding up that hill again.  Just then Heidi encourages me to get I followed her up.  At several points in the climb, I was doubtful that my bike was going to keep going without falling over. 

For the first part of the hill, I followed Heidi.  I don't remember exactly where but at some point I passed her.  I was worried about passing on the hill because it's a narrow road and traffic goes at a good clip up the hill.  But I successfully made the pass and continued on with my grinding climb. 

Instructor Rob came up next to me and encouraged me to try to pass the guy in front of me.  My stubborn competitive nature came out once again.  I told him that he was out of his mind, but I sped up my pedaling and focused my mind on the guy's back.  Within a few pedals, I realized that I was gaining ground on him.  Holy cow...maybe I can catch him.  I shifted down for more power.  Instructor Rob told me that I should stand and I'd be able to get him.  I couldn't stand...definitely a skill I need to work on...but not on the 2nd time climbing Ilchester.

So at the crest of the hill, I was still behind the guy.  I was not successful in passing him but I did gain significantly on him.  I couldn't believe that I had any energy left at that point, but I pulled it out of somewhere.  I'm glad that Heidi said I was going to climb that hill again!  So I told her it was all her fault, but in reality I owe her a big thank you.  Sometimes it takes someone else to give me the confidence that I should have had all along.

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