Thursday, October 25, 2012


Last night I attended the Howard County Economic Development Authority's annual meeting.  Since my dad was the CEO for 18 years prior to retiring a year ago, I have attended MANY annual meetings.  This year's was really cool because they presented my dad with the very first ever Lifetime Achievement Award.  This doesn't have anything to do with running...

Except for the networking prior to the ceremony...

Matt was there and we started talking with several people about our experience with the triathlon.  We both reflected on our race.  I spoke with Zack who I have known was a marathon runner.  We talked about triathlons...he and his wife are avid triathletes.  They both encouraged me to sign up for the Columbia Triathlon which is an Olympic distance.  I would love to do that...I'm concerned about training for it though.  I need to find somewhere to swim.  I need to get more time on the bike.  Apparently Zack and his wife are part of a cycling group and they invited me to join them any time.  YAY!

So while most people were networking for business, I am networking for training partners!

Follow up on the knee...on Monday's appointment, she is going to show me how to properly tape my knee and I'm going to be cleared to run again!!! 

Things are looking up.

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