Friday, September 30, 2011

Boot Camp!

Last night I went to my first Boot Camp at Snap.  It was fun!  Well fun in a working out way.  Clara was our trainer and she was great!  So sweet and nice before we start but doesn't let you get away with anything once the workout starts!  We basically had 1 minute of work and then we rotated activities for a break of about 30 seconds in between.  I was there for 45 minutes including a short warm up and cool down.  But most of the time we were working. 

I was joined by a guy in fatigues wearing his boots and an older lady who looked and sounded like a smoker.  They were both very nice but there wasn't much talking going on during the workout.  I was surprised at how quickly my muscles got exhausted.  At one point my arms were shaking so badly that I thought they were going to give out on me!  It was definitely the kick in the butt I needed. 

Here is a shot of the bruise I got from doing plank slaps.  I had never heard of that...but basically it's 2 people doing planks facing each other then they alternate slapping hands.  GI Joe and the trainer were partners and the smoker and I were partners.  Something struck GI Joe as funny and both he and the trainer laughed the entire time they did their plank slaps.  The smoker and I struggled just to keep ourselves in a plank position and slap.  We definitely weren't laughing!  I'm not sure how the bruise happened but it's proof that I was probably not doing something right. 

I am looking forward to continuing the boot camp training.  It will keep me focused and on track!  Now if I could just find some motivation to run!

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