Friday, January 11, 2013

Thoughts on Strides

The weather has been decent recently, so I have noticed many more people running outside.  It's great to see so many different types of people running.

There are some people who look so natural when running.  They have long, beautiful strides and they look like running is the easiest thing in the world.  These people make me envious because I do not look like this when I run. 

Then there are people who are more shuffling than running.  Every step looks like so much effort, but yet they are out there putting in the effort.  Most of these shufflers actually look like they are enjoying it.  These people make me remember that the run can be fun...even if it's not easy.

I don't really fall into either category.  I'm not a shuffler, although some days I feel like it.  I'm also not a natural runner.  Running is not easy for me, but I do love it. 

I work on my stride to try to make it more efficient, but I know that I will never look natural like some of those other runners.  The natural runners will always be there...and they will always be faster than me.  However, I didn't get into running to be better than other people.  I got into running to better myself...physically and mentally.  I compete with only get better times in the races I run and to continually try new things. 

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