Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013: A Year in Review

This time of the year, it's comon to see countdowns and reflections of what happened in this past year.  So I thought it would be fitting to take some time to reflect on my year of athletic accomplishments.  It was quite a year!

Overall, I did 5 sprint, 1 Olympic and 1 half ironman distance races.  I got an age group award in 2 of these races.  I completed a Century.  But the list of completed events doesn't really describe the year I had.

I started 2013 with a desire to do triathlons but not much else.  I bought the "gear" I needed, including a new road bike.  I enrolled in training programs like Spin90, Anne's open water swim clinics and my swim class.  I joined Mid MD Tri Club.  I did all the things I thought I should do in order to successfully compete in triathlons.

It took a few races to realize that physically preparing and mentally preparing are 2 different things.  My head helped and hurt me at several points this year.  I haven't really been a big resolution maker in the past...but if I had to make a resolution for 2014, it would be to be mentally tougher.  While I have a stubborness that won't allow me to quit a race, I tend to allow my head to let me give in on the run.  I slow down and I don't push hard enough.  So 2014 is going to be the year where I stay stronger mentally.

2014 is going to be a different kind of year because it will start with the foot surgery.  But I am determined that I can still accomplish some good things athletically.  I am looking forward to facing the challenges that the year will present.  Happy New Year everyone!  It's going to be a great one!!

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